Daitec Rubber Abrasives “Daitec-Rub” are used in various industries. Suitable for most general duties, such as breaking edges, radiusing and polishing out high spots, removing rust, cleaning threads, smoothing the edges of punched or sheared metal, de-flashing, smoothing and polishing molds, dies and other production tools, sharpening and honing of cutting dies, blades and edged tools, removing corrosion, excess solder, heat marks, cleaning and polishing contact points, jacks and electrodes, removing tool marks, scratches, light burrs, and fins, blending in welded seams after rough grinding, engine maintenance, damascening, polishing engine air ports, shafts, turbine blades, smoothing glass edges, jewelry finishing, gem stone sanding and many others.
All you need to do is choose the type of abrasive and its size depending on application, control and precision you want to achieve